
Your Website Visitors Are Skeptics

Are you wondering why people aren’t buying as much from your website as you hoped they would?

Most small business owners are often too close to their website, and they can’t step back to see their website from a birds-eye view.

They study their analytics and quantitative data, however, they often don’t study qualitative data.

Qualitative data is essentially the user’s behavior. How do your website visitors behave on your website and what are they thinking?

Most visitors are skeptical, especially when they are new visitors to your website.

This infographic will give you some insights into what goes through the mind of your website visitors…

Most of the time, people who go online to search for a particular product are simply browsing to get educated on a product or service. They go online to find out more about it so your website should educate your prospects on why your offer is the right solution.

To overcome skepticism, we have identified 8 frequently asked questions that consumers have in mind when considering a purchase from your website…

1. Do you have a SOLUTION to my problem?

People buy based on emotion (how it makes them feel), then justify their purchase with logic so the goal is to hook them emotionally with your messaging to show them that your product or service is the solution to their problem.

2. What’s in it FOR ME?

Your prospects don’t care about you initially, they only care about ‘what’s in it for me’, so your messaging needs to feel like you talking to them directly, make sure your copywriting is focused on your prospects and written in their language using words that they would use. Don’t use tech jargon. Don’t talk about your business so much, instead make it all about how you can help them.

3. How will I BENEFIT from your offer?

When presenting a product, let your prospects know how they will benefit from your product or service. Don’t focus on the features initially. Show them how they will benefit from purchasing your product or service. Features are things like size, weight, what they get, and the deliverables. Benefits are things like time-saving, looking amazing, being the envy of their friends, etc.

4. Do you have PROOF that your solution works?

Social proof can be in the form of testimonials, case studies, and product reviews. Displaying positive reviews from your customers in the form of written and videos is one of the best ways to have others purchase from you too. Make sure your social proof is real and use plug-ins like Yotpo. Yotpo shows real reviews, both positive and negative. The reviews can’t be edited and negative reviews can also be displayed which is fine. If you have too many 5-star reviews it can potentially make your products appear too good to be true so it doesn’t hurt to display a negative review also. This shows that the reviews are real. There are always going to be unhappy customers in every business. As long as you sell good quality products, you have nothing to worry about, since the majority of reviews will be positive. 

5. Who am I buying from, do I like you, and are you TRUSTWORTHY?

Be sure to provide a background of yourself, your relevance in your niche, and let your prospects know that you are the expert in your field. Don’t be too sales-y with your approach. Be honest and sincere with your communications. Be approachable and real. put face-to-camera videos of you or your team on your website so people can see who is behind the business and get to know your personality and body language.

6. Does your website look CREDIBLE, well designed, and is it easy to use?

Your website should be professionally designed to focus on converting your visitors to take action. This means it should display your authority, have social proof, have images, and have a color palette that appeals to your customers. If your prospects see that your website isn’t designed well and is hard to find what they’re looking for, they are far more likely to go to your competitors.

7. HOW MUCH is your offer and how do I make a purchase?

A lot of websites do not display their prices upfront. Prospects like to compare prices as part of their decision-making process. If they come across a website that doesn’t display prices vs one that does, they are more likely to inquire about the site that does display prices. If you don’t display your prices because your solution is custom, then make sure it’s easy for your prospects to get a quote.

8. If the purchasing process fails how can I CONTACT you quickly?

Imagine you’re shopping online, let’s say you have found something you like, you add it to the cart, you go to the checkout process and something goes wrong like you press the payment button twice accidentally, or you are confused and have a question, etc. At that point, you would want to contact the people behind the website to help you. Just adding a chat window or a phone number can increase conversions because it gives people peace of mind when making a purchase, knowing that if something does go wrong they can contact you immediately.

In Summary…

Skepticism is a reality and you can’t avoid people thinking the way they do. It’s built into all of us as a survival mechanism. 

Action step: Ask a friend or family member to jump on your website, give them a task to purchase a ‘your product or service’ on your website, and have them talk about what they are thinking. Don’t ask them anything or give them instructions, just be quiet and listen.

There are amazing services that also provide user feedback like UserTesting.com and HotJar.com for polls and surveys, so check them out too.

Or simply survey your clients and prospects via email. I can guarantee that as a result of studying your qualitative feedback, you will make changes to your website.

Every website can be improved. Markets shift. Businesses pivot…so there is ALWAYS room for improvement.

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Here’s What Our Happy Clients Say:

Hollywood Producer _of Pretty Woman & Under Seige
“I’m a filmmaker. NOT a designer, not a web designer and certainly not a landing page expert.

“You and your business deserve the best, so if you’d rather not waste time and money on lesser branding, websites or landing pages, take my word for it…

Studio1 is simply ‘as good as it gets’. Full stop!”
Gary Goldstein
Gary Goldstein
Hollywood Producer
of Pretty Woman & Under Seige
Voice of Yoda, and_Muppets Characters
“Working with Studio1Design was terrific! Greg and his team are total professionals.

They were sensitive and alert to our schedule throughout, proactively providing creative ideas and responding to our adjustments. The design team turned things around with impressive speed.

As a result, we got the website up in record time and hit our targets.”
Frank Oz
Voice of Yoda, and
Muppets Characters
Flavored PB Co.
“We had many reviews of our website and it’s off the charts of how good it looks!

There have been numerous people saying that it’s the best website they’ve ever seen. And the conversion rate on it after everything was done is huge!

“Our business is only 3 years old, which is when Studio1 designed our website, and we are on course to be doing around 5 million this year just in online sales.”

We know that your designers know what they are doing. Highly recommended!”
Matt Mcalister
Matt Mcalister
Flavored PB Co.

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days of access to
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days of learning materials to vulnerable children in need

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